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Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in BricsCAD - Tuesday Tips

De Rose Barfield 3 min 24 mai 2021
Custom Keyboard Shortcuts - Tuesday Tips

As I'm sure you're already aware, BricsCAD has a selection of standard keyboard shortcuts. However, you might also want to create your own to launch a command, change the view, or open up a dialog. The good news is that, in BricsCAD, you can!

How to create a keyboard shortcut in BricsCAD

This example will show you how to create a keyboard shortcut (e.g., Ctrl+Alt+E) to launch the Drawing Explorer:

  1. Open the Customize dialog -- enter CUSTOMIZE.
  2. Select the Keyboard tab.
  3. In the left panel, select the customization group file to which you will add this shortcut. You can add it to the leading 'BRICSCAD' customization group or one of your partial menus.Custom Keyboard Shortcuts - Tuesday Tips-1
  4. Right-click and select 'Insert shortcut' ('Append shortcut' if you right-click on the CUI).Custom Keyboard Shortcuts - Tuesday Tips-2
  5. The 'Add keyboard shortcut' dialog opens.
  6. Check the 'Select available tool' option.
  7. In the tree list below, select the Drawing Explorer tool (located under Available tools > BRICSCAD > Drawing Explorer).Custom Keyboard Shortcuts - Tuesday Tips- 3
  8. Click the OK button to close and the 'Add keyboard shortcut' dialog and return to the Customize dialog.
  9. In the Properties grid of the new shortcut, select the Key field, then hit the key combination you want to assign to the shortcut, e.g., Ctrl+Alt+E.Custom Keyboard Shortcuts - Tuesday Tips- 4
  10. Click OK
  11. Test out your new shortcut.

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