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The BricsCAD Maintenance Value Proposition

Przez Don Strimbu 4 min 17 września 2019
The BricsCAD Maintenance Value Proposition

BricsCAD Maintenance offering

Last year, with the shipment of BricsCAD V19, Bricsys changed the way that we calculate the cost of BricsCAD Maintenance offering. Rather than being a fixed price -- one price for all products -- it is now calculated as a percentage of each product's retail price.

We want you to understand that our ultimate goal for this change is to ensure that we continue to provide the best product, technical support and training content available. We believe that the BricsCAD products offer the absolute best value in the Computer-aided Design tool market.

Your investment in BricsCAD Maintenance is a vote of confidence in our delivery of new business value, each and every time we release a new version of the BricsCAD product family. Consequently, we have invested heavily in the business this year to ensure that we continue to provide the value you expect from us.

Here are the key value drivers for you to consider when it's time to upgrade your BricsCAD Maintenance contract

Maintenance provides unbeatable product support

You may know that support requests from Bricsys Maintenance customers automatically move to the front of the product support queue. We strive to deliver 24-hour turn-around for these priority support requests.

To ensure our ability to deliver this enhanced level of service, Bricsys has invested heavily in new customer support staff, and detailed training for these new support representatives. Also, we've built and implemented an improved workflow to manage all incoming support requests, due to record numbers of customers selecting the Maintenance program option.

These changes ensure that when you need support, you will receive the support you need, better and faster than ever.

Bricsys is also making additional investments to ensure a localized support experience for more of our customers. We can now provide support in local language to more customers than ever before. We are committed to continue to add additional local language support resources in key geographies.

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Bricsys offers more new product features than any competitor

Other CAD system vendors have reduced their investment in building new product features and workflows, reducing their products to legacy status. At Bricsys, we are committed to developing the most forward-looking product technology in the CAD market. This means that each new version of BricsCAD will continue to offer powerful new features, more complete workflows and the most stable operation possible.

The release notes for all of our products can be viewed online. The BricsCAD V19 products delivered over a hundred new features and thousands of improvements. Soon, we will release the BricsCAD V20 products, with hundreds of new features, fixes and product improvements. Many of these improvements and features came about directly as a result of customer support input and feature requests. These items are easily quantifiable, as a support request ticket number is displayed in the associated release note for each feature or fix.

How do we continue to deliver this level of product development when our competitors have slowed or stopped enhancing their products? In 2019, Bricsys has markedly increased the size of our research and development teams. We proactively train new developers in our development methodology, and provide them with the latest equipment to help them build the best possible products.

Bricsys is committed to developing A.I./machine learning tools like BLOCKIFYBIMIFYPROPAGATEPARAMETRIZE, and many more. These tools represent new workflows that can shave minutes or hours off of each user's daily workload. These tools are only available in the BricsCAD family of products.

Finally: no other CAD system can deliver the end-to-end, CAD-accurate workflow of BricsCAD Ultimate. From drafting to modelling, mechanical assembly design and Building Information Modelling (BIM), Bricsys represents the ultimate value. We stake our reputation on this.

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In 2020, BricsCAD Maintenance customers should expect more from us

Later this year and into 2020, we will deliver new product features, workflows and content that are available only to our Maintenance customers. We are honored that you chose BricsCAD. We will continue to strive each day to earn your trust and your continued patronage of Bricsys.

From all of us at Bricsys: thank you for using our products!

Don Strimbu

przez Don Strimbu

Don is the BricsCAD Core Product Manager at Bricsys. He has spent 2/3rds of his life in the CAD industry. Don is a huge fan of (truly usable) technology, high fidelity audio and (really) well-designed machines.

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