Desenare 2D

#2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds

De Rose Barfield 8 min 10 iunie 2021
#2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds

This project will show you how to create parametric table and chairs blocks, with visibility states. This tutorial is split into two parts: a circular table and a rectangular table. These are practical projects, designed to help get you started with 2D parametric drawing, nested blocks and visibility states in BricsCAD. The last post showed you how to create a circular table. In this post, learn how to create a parametric rectangular table and chairs arrangement, with variable spacing between the chairs.

This project will cover:

  • How to add constraints to a 2D drawing
  • How to create and edit the value of parameters
  • Simple animation of constraints and parameters
  • Working with visability states
  • How to use a design sheet (Excel, Google Docs or similar) to create design variations

Before we begin...

  • If you need to manually enter a value during the exercise, it will be shown in green.
  • All dimensions are shown in mm however you can use any unit you like.
  • 2D Geometric Constraints and 2D Dimensional Constraints are located in The Parametric tab of The Ribbon.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- Ribbon
  • You must have an understanding of how to draw basic shapes in BricsCAD. If you are not yet familiar, please see our Beginner CAD Course.
  • These are the chair blocks used for this project.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- chairs-800x333

Quick guide to terminology:

  • Parameter -- defines the position, distance, and angle of geometry
  • Constraint -- a rule: position, slope, tangency, dimension, and relationship of geometry
  • Expression -- formula or absolute value of a parameter or constraint

Tutorial: Create a rectangular, parametric table and chair set with visibility states

Watch video on YouTube

Time to complete: 60 mins

Difficulty: 6/10 -2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- final rectangular

Create a rectangular table and chairs:

  1. Draw a rectangle 80 x 250. This will be the table.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a1 rec

  2. Add a Fix Constraint to the left side of the table.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a2 fix

  3. Add Horizontal Constraints to the top and bottom edges of the table.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a3 horizontal

  4. Add Vertical Constraints to the left and right side of the table.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a4 vertical

  5. Add a Linear Constraint to the left side of the table.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a5 linear

  6. Add a Linear Constraint to the length of the table.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a6- linear

  7. In the Mechanical Browser, click on the parameters and change the names of the parameters:

    (old) Name: d1
    (new) Name: w
    (width of table)

    (old) Name: d2
    (new) Name: l
    (length of table)-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a7 change name

  8. In the Mechanical Browser, add four new parameters. Right click Parameters and choose Add New Parameter from the drop down menu.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a8 parameter

  9. In the Mechanical Browser, click on the new parameter and change the value of the parameter in the bottom of the panel:

    Name: s
    Expression: 50
    (For the gap between chairs)

    Name: c
    Expression: l/s
    (for the number of chairs)

    Name: g
    Expression: 10
    (for the gap between the table and the chair)

    Name: h
    Expression: 25
    (for the gap between the edge of the table and the middle of the chair)-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a9 change

  10. Insert a chair, as a block 25 x 10 from the top left corner of the table.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a10 chair
    Tip: I created chairs as blocks with a base point at the middle of the line that marks the boundary of the chair cushion.

  11. Use ARRAYRECT on the chair.
    Set the Base Point as the middle of the line that marks the boundary of the chair cushion (the same as the block base point).-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a11.1 basepoint

    Number of Rows: 0
    Number of Columns: 5,
    Distance Between Columns: 50-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a11.2 array

  12. Mirror the Array.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a12 mirror

  13. Add a linear constraint between the top of the table and the base point of the top array.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a13 linear

  14. Add a linear constraint between the side of the table and the base point of the top array.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a14 linear

  15. Repeat steps 10-11 on the bottom array.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds-a15

  16. In the Mechanical Browser, click on the parameters and change the value of the parameters in the bottom of the panel:

    Name: d1
    Expression: g

    Name: d2
    Expression: h

    Name: d3
    Expression: g

    Name: d4
    Expression: h-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a18 change

    WARNING: The names of the parameters may vary. Use this image as a guide:-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a16 names

  17. Add Horizontal constraints to the Arrays, use the 2Points option. (See image for location of the two points.)-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- dots

  18. In the Mechanical Browser, click on the arrays and edit the value at the bottom of the panel:

    Columns: c
    Column spacing: s-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a18 change

  19. In the Mechanical Browser, right-click on the parameters and select Animate from the drop down menu to see how everything is working. You should now have something like this:-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a19 check

  20. Repeat steps 10-19, for the other chair styles.

    Note: The name of the linear constraints will change for each subsequent chair style. Pay attention to this.

    Tip: It's useful to hide the arrays before you add a new chair style.

    -2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a20 dont-panic

Once you have completed this step you should have something that looks like this. It looks a bit messy at the moment, but don't worry!
21. Enter VISIBILITYSTATES. A dialog box will display.
22. Click New Parameter and give it a name.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a22 newparameter
23. Right-click the Parameter and select Add State.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a23 add state
24. Repeat step 23, two more times.
25. Name the visibility states: Economy, Mid and Premium.
26. Select one of the visibility states.
27. Right-click and use the Select invisible entities/Select visible entities options to hide and show the table and correct chair arrays for each state.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a26
28. Select the next visibility state.
29. Rick-click and select Show invisible.-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- a29 showinvisable

  1. Repeat steps 26-28 for the remaining visibility states.
  2. Rick-click and uncheck Show invisible. This will hide entities based on the visibility state.
  3. You should now have something like this:-2 Parametric Table and Chairs With Visibility States – Easy Builds- final rectangular (2)
    Tip: If you wish, you can create a design table for this project.

Happy CADing!

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