
New in 24/7 - My Tasks

By Rose Barfield 2 分 2019年1月22日
New in 24/7 - My Tasks

My Tasks -- your tasks to the next level.

You asked, we listened! All of your comments were brought together to improve our interface in a way that works best for you. Bricsys 24/7 now makes it easier to review and execute the tasks you're assigned to with My Tasks.

My Tasks is found, just like all the other apps, in the bar to your left. The My Tasks app icon will display a small, red box with a number indicating the number of open tasks you currently have.

New in 247 - My Tasks- my-tasks-complete


There are three sections to the My Tasks app:

  • My tasks: all open tasks
  • Overdue tasks: tasks that are overdue
  • Completed tasks: all completed tasks


New in 247 - My Tasks- my-tasks-overview

For each of the sections, a list of documents and the task name appears on the left-hand side. The first task gets selected automatically and displays the task in detail to the right. The document information is displayed below. Click on the document name to view the details or click the preview to open it in our online viewer.

For those who wish to see the status of the workflow, simply click on the preview to see a visual representation of the current status of the workflow or to simply view the completed task history.


Do you have too many open tasks and need to focus on a specific set of documents first? It's possible to filter your tasks by metadata, folder, and even workflow. On the top panel of the app, you'll find the filter options.New in 247 - My Tasks- filter

Want to Know more?

Find out more about Bricsys 24/7 at www.bricsys.com. Easy to try, easy to buy, easy to own. That's Bricsys. Try all of our products, for free for 30 days. Freedom of choice. You'll love what we've built for you with the Bricsys product family.

Rose Barfield

by Rose Barfield - CAD User Experience & Interface Design Specialist

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Roseは、ユーザーからのフィードバックを受け、BricsCAD製品を改善する役割を担っています。BricsCAD に来る前は、彼女自身もCADユーザーで、自動車、航空宇宙、防衛産業でテクニカルイラストレーターとして働いていました。モノの仕組みを知り、分解して、(できれば)また組み立てるのが大好き。

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