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2023年9月20日 2 min

BricsCAD® 入门:试用和许可选项

你在考虑 BricsCAD 吗? 然后,你可能想知道当你选择 BricsCAD 时,有哪些许可选项可用。 您可以利用 30 天的免费试用版来试用 BricsCAD 及其各种版本,以决定哪个版本最适合您的需求。 购买 BricsCAD 时,您可以从我们灵活的许可选项中进行选择。 让我们来看看不同的许可选项!

2023年10月19日 4 min

Which BricsCAD® is right for you?

If you're considering BricsCAD®, you're probably wondering – which BricsCAD is right for me? There are five BricsCAD editions so you can choose the BricsCAD that suits your needs best. Whether you're working in 2D, 3D or both, there's a BricsCAD for you. Choose from BricsCAD® Lite, BricsCAD® Pro, BricsCAD® BIM, BricsCAD® Mechanical or BricsCAD® Ultimate. Let's take a look at the various BricsCAD product levels!

2023年10月26日 5 min

What's new in BricsCAD® V24?

Welcome to BricsCAD® V24! The professional CAD without compromise. This release is packed with new features and updates – making it easier to learn, use, and adopt BricsCAD. Let's take a look at what's new in BricsCAD V24!

2023年10月2日 6 min

Converting PDF to DWG files with BricsCAD®

You can convert PDF files to DWG files quickly and easily in BricsCAD®. When you convert a PDF to a DWG file, BricsCAD® converts straight lines to polylines, true type fonts to MTEXT, and filled solids to hatches, giving you a working drawing file in place of your PDF! Here's how you can do it!

2022年4月27日 4 min

Meet the team that makes Bricsys - Alan Espinoza

As a native Floridian I grew up with all sorts of interesting career opportunities around me. With theme parks in my backyard and Kennedy Space Center just down the road, it was easy to get lost in potential careers such as lead roller coaster engineer or space station designer...
