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New webpage resources: Bricsys solutions dedicated to your sector

De Oliver Samuel 2 min 18 august 2022
Bricsys solutions dedicated to your sector

To help our current and future customers get the most from Bricsys solutions in their working day, we’ve launched seven industry-specific website pages.

Each page focuses on an industry and their job roles, designed to demonstrate how Bricsys can help you complete your projects quickly, efficiently and effectively. You’ll find micro-demo videos to show our Bricsys solutions in action for the tasks you accomplish every day.

The resources and content also include feedback from our customers on how they use Bricsys. You’ll find inspiration for new possibilities in the sections for case studies and customer success stories.

And you can also get deeper insights into the Bricsys solutions specific to your workflows from a wide range of related webinars and resource sections.

Today, we’re launching seven industry-focused pages to start, with more resources to follow. Check out the dedicated pages and links to discover how we are building better tools and solutions for your area of interest and expertise.

Land Surveyors

Product Design Professionals

Architects and Engineers

Civil Engineers

Construction Project Managers

Field Engineers and Project Engineers

Manufacturing Professional

In the coming weeks, you can read more about your industries and roles in related blog posts - be sure to explore the Bricsys tools and solutions for the workflows or tasks you complete. We can’t wait for you to join and connect with the Bricsys community.

Visit our migration page for more information on how easy it is to move to BricsCAD

Discover our library of 3rd party apps to add even more power to your design workflows

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