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BricsCAD Lab: CAD support for BricsCAD users

De Grant Dott 2 min 3 octombrie 2022
BricsCAD Lab

BricsCAD Lab: CAD support for BricsCAD users

Are you concerned about how to choose and migrate to a better CAD solution? Then read here how 2D designers, 3D modelers and BIM developers can join the BricsCAD Lab.

Intuitive and interoperable CAD for all users...

For CAD users, the thought of a major change to a best-in-class alternative to AutoCAD® presents a unneeded challenge. With new toolsets and commands to learn, different workflow approaches and the loss of familiarity, changing from their legacy CAD system suggest fidelity risk and lost productivity.

This is why the AEC sector chooses BricsCAD as the better alternative for upgrading, which transitions seamlessly to a familiar CAD environment, a robust DWG format and a workflow of intuitive tools and commands.

Overcoming legacy-CAD migration challenges...

To help new users get started quickly, we have created the BricsCAD Lab to demonstrate the similarities and familiarities which makes BricsCAD the perfect choice to transition from your old CAD system. The aim is simply to show CAD users how the functionality performs as you’d expect, with productive results.

The BricsCAD Lab is free from gimmicks and offers our user community a fast way to install, set up and work intuitively in your workflows with the minimal effort.

More than just native interfaces, lisp, brx...

At the BricsCAD Lab, you will discover comprehensive answers to the common questions and more. New users can transition with the confidence to BricsCAD. We aim to show you how new capabilities and innovative tools can be harnessed easily, without any apprehension about the loss of fidelity, productivity and creativity.

The presentations and insights are short and concise for easy viewing, with a focus on outcomes. And during your time at the Lab, we’ll make the implementation and migration to BricsCAD easy and seamless.

So don’t delay in trying out BricsCAD with a 30-day free trial, and stay tuned to the Bricsys Tube channel for the BricsCAD Lab, where we demonstrate our open and interoperable tools and commands for our CAD user community.

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BricsCAD® Pro V24.2 - Performance Improvements

BricsCAD V24.2 is here, bringing with it a suite of performance improvements that promise to boost efficiency and stability. Tailored for drafters, designers, and fabricators across all industries, the latest version focuses on accelerating the creation of detailed design documentation essential for building, fabricating, and manufacturing processes. Let's take a closer look at the enhancements in V24.2 that will accelerate your time to deliverable.

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Compatibilitate îmbunătățită a desenelor în BricsCAD® V24.2

În V24.2, am îmbunătățit și mai mult compatibilitatea DWG a BricsCAD pentru a asigura crearea rapidă a documentației de proiectare, concentrându-ne pe fluxul de lucru pentru crearea desenelor 2D. Pentru a crea cea mai bună colaborare, ne-am asigurat că puteți deschide și edita desenele pe care le creați în BricsCAD în alte programe CAD bazate pe DWG. Haideți să ne aruncăm în îmbunătățirile pe care le-am făcut!

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Ce este nou în BricsCAD® Lite și Pro V24.2

În cea mai recentă actualizare, BricsCAD® V24.2 aduce multe caracteristici noi și îmbunătățite pentru a vă îmbunătăți crearea de desene 2D. Am introdus o experiență de utilizare mai intuitivă, am îmbunătățit performanța și stabilitatea și am adăugat funcții noi și îmbunătățite pentru a vă spori și mai mult productivitatea. Această versiune oferă fluxuri de lucru pentru a facilita precizia și versatilitatea de care aveți nevoie pentru ca proiectele de desen și proiectare 2D să se desfășoare fără probleme. 

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