Notre entreprise

Five crowd-pleasers that come from Belgium

Par The Bricsys Team 4 min 31 juillet 2022
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From humble beginnings in Belgium two decades ago, BricsCAD is now the CAD tool of choice for over 300,000 users worldwide. Our product development teams work across the globe, although we are Belgian through and through, with proud roots in our country of origin!

Of course, we think that BricsCAD is up there with the other Belgian greats, so let’s look at some more crowd-pleasers. Famous exports include the actress Audrey Hepburn and the much-loved character Tintin, and in the 1970s, you might have even been served a glass of light beer with your school lunch in Belgium.

Belgian Beer

In Belgium we brew over 1,000 brands of beer. Each unique beer is served in its own specialty glass, designed to bring out its distinct flavors and enhance the drinking experience.

So, what does beer have to do with BricsCAD?

It demonstrates that the Belgians don’t do things by half measures. You won’t hear us say ‘that’s good enough’, and the word 'average' doesn’t exist in our vocabulary at Bricsys. We've earned our enviable reputation as the world's favorite beer-brewing nation by dedication to excellence, and we've applied the same ethos to our software to keeping refining our users’ CAD experience. It’s what we call the BricsCAD difference.

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Belgian Fries

When it comes to choosing a savory snack, our world-famous Belgian frites satisfy any cravings. And just as our frites offer the quick and simplified solution to an empty stomach, BricsCAD’s unique all-in-one design platform for architects, civil engineering and manufacturing satisfies our users’ hunger for the best solution in CAD.

Are you tired of switching between different tools and file formats to finish your designs? Save time by completing everything in BricsCAD - easily move between our 2D drafting, 3D modeling, building information modeling and mechanical design tools within one DWG-based, multi-purpose CAD platform.

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Belgian Waffles

The Belgians have perfected their waffle recipe since 1839, and we are always looking for new and innovative flavor combinations to delight consumers. Whether you are a chocolate fan or prefer something fruity, we’ve got a waffle to suit your taste!

So, what does this have to do with BricsCAD?

At Bricsys, we are obsessed with getting our ‘recipe’ just right! We have dedicated ourselves to creating CAD software that enables every draftsperson, engineer, architect, surveyor and designer to achieve more for a lower total cost - now and into the future.

And this is not the only reason why BricsCAD is as irresistible as a Belgian waffle. BricsCAD can be used with an extensive range of over three hundred, third-party applications covering all design disciplines. Whatever your specific needs from CAD software are, BricsCAD, together with our developer partners, has got a ‘flavor’ for your palate.

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Belgian Chocolate

Belgian chocolate is renowned for its delicious flavor and high quality. Yet less known is the secret behind its success, which has a lot in common with how we make BricsCAD.

Belgian chocolatiers apply cutting-edge craftsmanship, remain committed to unique intense flavors, and use top quality ingredients. They also embrace the latest innovations in their sector. This is why Belgian chocolate is award-winning.

As a technology-first company, BricsCAD's developers apply the same passion and principles to develop our CAD.

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Belgian CAD Software

As is clear, we can’t help mentioning BricsCAD when we’re discussing Belgium’s finest exports!

BricsCAD is a professional 2D and 3D design product developed by Bricsys, a global provider of design software. We are relentlessly committed to the success of our customer, and importantly, we offer CAD software at a compelling price, with industry-leading support.

So, why should you join our community of design professionals already realizing the benefits of BricsCAD?

  • BricsCAD code is unique, and this is how we are able to lead the market on innovation and deliver over 300 unique software improvements every year.
  • 60% of our team focuses on research and development, which is up to three times higher than the typical CAD company. 
  • BricsCAD’s strong and stable core enables our team to incorporate features powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. This will help you solve your design problems faster, and no other CAD company can match this. 
  • BricsCAD is built on a fast, multithreaded DWG core engine. BricsCAD users can open, process, and edit your data much faster in BricsCAD than other CAD software.

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By choosing BricsCAD, you will quickly understand why thousands of companies globally have selected BricsCAD as their CAD software of choice.

Ready to give BricsCAD a good test? BricsCAD® is yours for free for 30 days, without a credit card.

15 avril 2024 3 min

BricsCAD® Pro V24.2 - Amélioration des performances

BricsCAD V24.2 est désormais disponible, avec de multiples améliorations des performances qui ne manqueront pas d'accroître votre efficacité et de renforcer la stabilité. Conçue pour les dessinateurs, les concepteurs et les fabricants de tous les secteurs, cette nouvelle version cherche à accélérer la création de la documentation, sans lésiner sur la précision, afin de répondre aux exigences essentielles des processus de construction et de fabrication. Examinons de plus près tous les avantages de la v24.2 pour accélérer votre délai de livraison.

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Amélioration de la compatibilité des dessins dans BricsCAD® V24.2

Dans la v24.2, la compatibilité DWG de BricsCAD® gagne du terrain. Créer la documentation de conception devient plus rapide grâce aux flux de travail de Dessin 2D. Pour une collaboration toujours plus fluide, vous pouvez ouvrir et modifier les dessins BricsCAD dans tout autre programme de CAO basé sur le format DWG. Découvrons sans tarder les nouvelles améliorations !

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Nouveautés de BricsCAD® Lite and Pro V24.2

Dans sa dernière mise à jour, BricsCAD® V24.2 introduit de nombreuses fonctionnalités innovantes et améliorées pour passer au niveau supérieur en matière de Dessin 2D. Nous avons renforcé l'intuitivité de l'expérience utilisateur, amélioré les performances et la stabilité et ajouté de nouvelles fonctionnalités avancées pour continuer à accroître votre productivité. Cette version livre des flux de travail qui vous offre le niveau de précision et de polyvalence dont vous avez besoin pour exécuter vos projets de dessin et de conception 2D avec efficacité. 

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