
5 Reasons Why Students Need STEM (And Why It Must Be Easy!)

De Frank Hamilton 4 min 16 martie 2021
5 Reasons Why Students Need STEM

STEM is not the field for everyone. Indeed, some of these subjects can be particularly difficult, but if you have a knack for them, you are bound to enjoy this world of endless opportunities and valuable knowledge. Hence, here are the five reasons why students need STEM and why it must be easy!

People who study STEM usually go on to pursue careers that pay quite well. Moreover, studying STEM can help the development of children and teenagers alike, so it's not necessary to restrict the study of STEM subjects to college or university.

What Is STEM?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The components of STEM are everywhere, around us all the time.

5 Reasons Why Students Need STEM- 1024px-Nobel Prize Medal in Chemistry

The Nobel Prize Medal in Chemistry. Adam BakerCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Why Study STEM?

#1 You Get A Variety of Opportunities

First and foremost, if you study STEM, you will get a variety of opportunities both during your studies and later, as you pursue a career in one of the STEM fields. Here are just some opportunities on offer:

  • Different events big and small held annually for people to come together and connect, share experiences, and find new opportunities.
  • Grants, scholarships, and sponsorships for different projects that are available for you to apply for and win so that you realize your ideas.
  • The potential for world-wide recognition of your achievements by winning awards, such as the Noble Prize.

#2 You Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Another reason to study STEM is that you will develop critical thinking skills. Critical thinking means people to form their own opinions about different topics by questioning the information available to them and finding new answers to their questions.

Critical thinking skills are not only important for you as an individual, but also for you as a professional. They can help you solve complex problems and arrive at interesting or unusual conclusions. Without such skills, you might simply have accepted what was said to you from the start.

#3 You Gain a Lot of Knowledge About the World

By studying STEM, you will be gaining a lot of knowledge about the world around you, which will help you understand everything much better and help you interact with information in a more active way.

For example, if you are looking for a new microwave you may go to a reviews page to read what people are saying about the product you are considering. To make the right choice, you will need to have the relevant STEM knowledge to understand the characteristics of the microwave.

#4 You Stay Up to Date with The Latest Findings

If you study STEM subjects, you will be dealing with the aspects of our world that are constantly evolving.

You will read a lot about the new findings in science and technology and will always be up to date with the latest technologies; anything from Elon Musk's SpaceX to the new research done by certain scientists in Germany.

#5 You Can Get A High-Paying Job

Last but not least, perhaps one of the biggest reasons to study STEM is that you will be able to get a high-paying job. Most students will probably have student loans to pay for once they conclude their studies, so having a job that pays well will definitely help you pay back these student loans.

In addition to that, a high-paying job is what many people aspire to achieve in the first place. It's not just about doing what you like but also about doing what will sustain you throughout your life. And, if you find that you love one or more of the STEM subjects, then all the better for you as you will be able to do what you like and earn money at the same time.

5 Reasons Why Students Need STEM- robot

Final Thoughts

To sum up, STEM subjects can help you out a lot in life. You can learn the essential skills at school, but if you go on to study STEM well into college, you could have a great career ahead of you. Consider the reasons to study STEM listed in this article and decide if it's right for you.

Are you studying STEM?

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